
Pico de Orizaba

Pico de Orizaba

Our training for Pico de Orizaba has officially started!  Oh yeah, if you haven't heard, we are headed to Mexico in March 2011 to climb Pico de Orizaba.  The trip will be a class that is offered through San Juan College's OLER Program (JD's job).  Pico is an 18,000 ft plus volcano!  It is the third highest mountain in North America and is the second most prominent volcanic peak next to Kilimanjaro in Africa.

Training right now consists of 4 to 5 four-mile runs a week, about 30 minutes on the stair-climber (4 times a week), and weight lifting.  Once more snow hits the peaks up north we'll be spending several Saturday's climbing at high altitude.

After the first of the year, the training will intensify a bit with a lot more cardio, core work, and some Mountain Athlete workouts!  We are gonna be jacked and tan for Pico!

We'll keep you posted.

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