
Our Highpoint Adventures

We are gonna start a series of posts about Highpointing Adventures.  If you don't know, Highpointing is trying to reach the highest point in a state.  We started our journey on June 20, 2004 and have reached 41 Highpoints in the U.S. so far and have a few more coming up soon.

Let's begin with our first:  Mississippi (6/20/04) - We'll have to admit, not an exciting first highpoint but we had to start somewhere.

The Drive There:  In the northeast corner of the state you will find Woodall Mountain by taking US 72 east into Iuka, MS.  In Iuka turn right onto SR 25 (south) and then a quick right onto Fairground Road (CO 187).  Follow Fairground Road for 1.1 miles to CO 176 and turn right onto CO 176.  You will see the sign pictured below at this turn.  Continue .7 mile to another sign on the right and turn right onto the gravel road.  Follow the road for about 1 mile before reaching the highpoint.

The Hike: No hiking required.  Take a look around. Pretty boring.  Our next posts will be a bit more exciting.

 First sign pointing towards highpoint.

The highpoint survey marker.

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